New Genres


J.N. (NV), D-D. W. (L.A.), A. B. (L.A.), P. B. (L.A.), E. D. (NV), B. R. (N.Y.), T. S. (NV), J. M. (L.A.), E.D. (NV)


Tahoe National Forest, early winter 2024.


Ongoing site project: Water Tripods, summer 2024.


A new Camera Obscura project. 2024. Seen are a few captures taken near Donner Summit. I worked out a few kinks with the camera after these captures. With this setup I protrude my digital camera inside the box to capture the pinhole image projected into the box. For any of the resulting images to have value for me I find that the background needs to be a distant background. With not much interfering with the people I’m photographing. Also, I try to get the image space that will show inside the Obscura to be more intriguing. I like the partial reveal of the actual interior. This adds to the spirit of the odd capture. An architecture of a photo space starts to form.


Water offerings: tripods holding water bladders in the landscape, Plumas National Forest. Winter 2021. These are a new series of objects, not quite resolved yet.


Part of a series I’m working on, working through, I’m titling ”Hunting Tools” (more generally). This is a first attempt at a Balance Brace or Counterpoise Stick that I want to see put into use, ideally, with youth needing tempered and focused physical activity for wellness and positive self-awareness interacting physically with others within a tempered core strength competitive exercise.


New set of objects from a new series: Hunting Tools -2021


Portrait project, during Covid 19: Identity during a global pandemic.


Discrete object to be placed. There are a few distinct objects I’ve pulled down during this covid time period to “finish” and get out of the studio. This is one.

It’s been more time with the cameras through this summer, as I work on a live-work space addition. I’ve been focusing my camera on the education contexts I work in this fall and the landscapes I move through.


With winter winding down I’m building out the framing for my revamped project trailer (fabric walled project space/exhibition space). These are the interlocking pieces for the corner structures. I’m building it as more of a kind of post and beam, relying on these, an interlocking “T” design. The tops of the T’s are missing in this image. Those will bolt to the outside edge of the
trailer’s metal frame. The interlocking pieces will be on the inside corners from the trailer’s metal framing on the floor up to the roof of the trailer. The metal roofing will arrive in a month or so. Winter 2020


The latest edition of optical viewers along the Pacific Crest Trail. I’m stepping away from these for a bit while I work on the project trailer and photo frames for some work I’m hanging, but I pulled the color slides out and added the text to close out placing in context these multiple editions of optical viewers. I placed four of these in succession along the same section of trail: Telos, Polymath, Protean and Sisu. A through hiker would see the trail through the viewer and thus a potential hiker, thus themselves. I returned several weeks later to retrieve them. They were in the same locations.


Recent capture. This is one of the older male Mule Deer that has wandered into and out of my studio. I will be printing and framing this guy at roughly 60×40 inches. Winter 2019.


Capere, the project trailer, finally getting the re-design and re-build as planned. A total tear down to the floor.


I spent several days in the Eastern Sierra Nevada, slipping in and out of public lands, through friendly gates. Unbelievable location. We backpacked in this area last May and returned this June. I primarily used my newish wide angle, as well as my 50mm (100mm on my micro 4/3) legacy lens as well.

This wonderful road is the kind that can be found in the Great Basin remote areas.


From a series I began last summer of wilderness gates, public access gates, gates that distinguish public access to public lands. This gate is in the Ventana Wilderness Area. This road used to be accessible to the public heading east over the mountains. Behind the gate are several private parcels. One of the owners closed the access several years ago as the road crosses through private lands.


These are the last four optical viewers from the last edition. They are heading to a snow trail, likely a cross country ski route, Sierra Nevada. Feb.2019


Territory opticons from Toronto along the PCT. Fall 2018

I’m still waiting to place these. Here I wasn’t finding enough light and the vertical pieces that plant in the ground weren’t up to the job in this location along the PCT. I swapped out the vertical pieces with larger diameter wood and a different wood type. Images soon.


“Territory” in Toronto Canada at Grow Op 2018, April.

Six optical viewers with curated color slides. All were placed throughout the exhibition spaces and landings of the Gladstone Hotel.


“Territory”,  six new ed. optical viewers-winter ’18.

These are being sent to Toronto for an exhibit. Ultimately they will be place on site near the Pacific Crest Trail.


Single optical viewer: “Landscape Protean” 2018.

black and white slide


New series of optical viewers in process. Winter ’17-’18


Opticon- Fairgrounds edition

Aug. ’17


Kaitlin Bryson at the Sage Hen Field Station scoping projects from the SNC Studio Art Low Residency MFA exhibit.


Tent of Curiosities

August 2017. Eight artists, eight objects in a canvas wall tent. First install at the Plumas Sierra County Fair. The Tent will next be sited near the Pacific Crest Trail with a more directed curatorial presence on my part.


Wood Opticons

One of several wood optical viewers after a winter and more of abuse- from the 3rd edition of Wood Opticons with color slides, Pacific Crest Trail. I’m working on a new edition of optical viewers to be placed on the PCT again. They will be in a different form but still stand, planted in the ground. I’ve been using color slides, but I’m considering black and white slides with this group of objects.


Quagmire, #2- 2017

Plumas National Forest


Urban vanguard…to gentrification?

Sarah Lillegard in her studio inside Cuddleworks of Reno, a still financially reasonable arts and industrial district amidst the growing distillery-brewery-foodie economic growth that’s exploding (and therefore accompanying real estate grab).

-fall 2016


Cherokee Bobi: a restoration volunteer in the northern Sierra Nevada. He drove his Power Wagon from Colorado. The restoration work is being done on guard station buildings (five) built in the early 20th century. One is a cabin built in the teens. The Forest Service then built the other 4 structures by the 1930’s. They haven’t been used since the 1980’s. There is hope that the Pacific Crest Trail Association will use them as a base camp for PCT hikers. That location is a stop over, food re-stocking and take stock juncture along the PCT.  This would provide a legitimate base camp for a location that has historically always been a prime spot for one. The nearby town of Sierra City has provided, informally, this role. (olympus om-d)

-summer 2016


North Fork American River, northern Sierra Nevada… 2,700 ft elevation drop to the river bed from the trailhead. After years of drought the last winter (even though not spectacular) makes this area feel over-grown.

(olympus om-d)



Medium Format Opticon, edition #1. 2016.

The slide viewer holding the slide has a 52 mm lens attachment on the back-lit side of the viewer to mediate, just a bit, how the color image is picked up by the eye.

The smaller images of the piece in progress:

The map reveals the location of the image captured, northern Sierra Nevada. The base for the viewing object is seen on the right. A medium format color slide will sit in the viewer, yet to be finished.




2016 (olympus om-d)


Young Blood exhibit, Holland Project Gallery- Feb. 2016

(olympus om-d with 50 mm zukio legacy lens)

I documented the opening of this exhibit, bi-annual, that we at the Holland Project Gallery hold for younger artists. Well dressed, and excited up and comers. The art cuts through the bullshit and presents if not honesty certainly sincerity and vulnerability (a few qualities almost purged from academic art these days).


Curiosities 1-14, fall 2015

Wood optical slide viewers at the Plumas County Museum, Quincy Ca. Oct -Nov 2015.

Each wood viewer holds a color slide of an object I made, with the exception of one slide. These visions of curiosities will hopefully hold their own amidst the collections of a country museum. Each wall lined with the optical viewers are anchored by a framed digital print.


Opticons 2-9, summer 2015

I showed these wood optical slide viewers at a site series put on by the Fine Arts Dept., Sierra Nevada College- Incline Village. My work mingled with a naturalist, historian and other disciplines with a historic Basque oven at the center of it all. Chef Big Foot baked hand made pizzas in the oven.

The life for these Wood Opticons culminated in the upper elevations of the Sierra Nevada, waiting for the unsuspecting attention of backpackers.








Wood Opticons: 2-9. spring 2015

These were exhibited in the Community Space Gallery, Lake Tahoe March-Feb. Each holds a color slide. In May they will be placed on-site near the Pacific Crest Trail near the Sierra Buttes, Ca.



Wood Opticon- #1 of a series. 2014

The viewer holds a color slide that can bee seen with back-lighting from a window or artificial light. The slide is a location where the high desert meets the eastern Sierra Nevada.



Camera Obscura (2). 2013

From the exhibit  Tête-À-Tête Emulsion (May 2013), an exhibit of select photographs I’ve taken over the last few years, digitally derived and from the darkroom… and photographic objects I’ve designed and built. The Camera Obscura (2) was made specifically for the exhibit.



Mobile Camera Obscura Project: Black Rock City Portraits 2013

-15 second digital exposures, pinhole lens-



mobile-Obscura-bman31 mobile-Obscura-bman26 mobile-Obscura-bman25 mobile-Obscura-bman24 mobile-Obscura-bman23 mobile-Obscura-bman21 mobile-Obscura-bman2 mobile-Obscura-bman15 mobile-Obscura-bman14 mobile-Obscura-bman10 mobile-Obscura-bman8 mobile-Obscura-bman6 mobile-Obscura-bman4 mobile-Obscura-Babs2



Mobile Camera Obscura-2013

-15 second digital exposures and 4 minute direct contact exposures on 16×20 rc paper-



Select Objects and Photographs:
