Tahoe National Forest, Perazzo Meadow. 2024
I began a new Camera Obscura portrait project a few weeks back. Here are a few. For those I met: the project got delayed due to a covid outbreak on the summit that layed me up and now a wildfire evacuation. I will resume this project when the chaos settles.
4 new edition Basecamp Boxes, 2024
Water Tripod (from a series), Oct 2022. Sierra Nevada 7,300 ft
I placed a few objects from a new series of site objects. These two of 3 (seen) are holding water bladders in the Plumas National Forest. This series is not quite resolved. These locally sourced tripods are meant to hint or glance a visitor against the preciousness of water…a kind of offering for (whom?)?
Abby and Jack using the Balance Brace. Sept 2021.
Place the inside foot, facing each other, side by side with the feet aligned so that heel meets toe. Place the outside leg/foot back for stability and balance.👉🏾(In the images you can see Abby and Jack don’t have their inside foot aligned properly. They shuffled a bit, but their feet as seen are not where they would be at the start.)
Each Person holds the alternating recessed grips (one uses the colored grips, the other uses the non-colored grips) closest to each person’s body.
Begin by holding the brace at the core of the stomach.
On a count, attempt to throw the other person off balance. Off balance can be determined before engaging. It can be as slight as one foot having to be lifted off the ground in order to prevent being pitched downward. Perhaps allow for a foot slide?
This is a Base Camp Box Collaboration with the Lost Sierra Company of Plumas County. This box will test the Lost Sierra Co. fans’ interest in a Lost Sierra Base Camp Box. If people bite then a limited first edition of 5 boxes will be made to specs a little different than the one here, using different ply. This box was made using all reclaimed plywood in conjunction with another made for a client. The first editions will be with top shelf finished ply with some different interior dims.
Base Camp Box with built-in isobutane stove. Winter 2020/21
First set of objects from a new series. These are hunting tools. 2021
Plumas National Forest- Winter 2021
Various prints, darkroom and digital, finding homes here and there.
Mule deer archival inkjet print, framed and hung.
Looking west to the Pacific coast mountain range from high in the northern Sierra Nevada, across the Sacramento valley.
A recent project. PCT with four viewers and four words: Polymath, Protean, Sisu, Telos.
Several years ago I had to set aside a project dear to me and my overall practice. The project trailer, Capere, sat covered.
I began taking it apart at the end of last year, knowing how I would approach the re-design and re-build for two years. The timing had to be right with such a large project. I wanted to begin it knowing I could finish it in a proper time frame.
It is now completely dismantled down to the floor. Next month I will begin rebuilding it. The main issue in the initial design was the floor span relative to the metal frame of the trailer. It required many structural issues I no longer need. It was originally conceived having a first life as a live-in trailer. It would then just be used as a mobile project trailer and exhibition space.
The initial use was no longer needed, so all the structural issues could be eliminated.
The key part of the redesign is to simply shrink the foot print to the metal frame dimensions. My studio practice and other experiences have also excitedly led me to fabric as the material for the exterior walls, rather than using metal siding as originally intended, however it will still have the metal roof I envisioned and design touches that make it an intriguing vessel in the landscape. In all, I no longer have to design the structure with weight as a worry which will make a more intuitive design-build process with aesthetics still in mind.