My studio holds these practices: Fine Arts in the tradition of New Genres, design-build and education.
The art objects I make tend to occupy a ground between ritual and play. Are they cultural objects more than art objects? They typically carry the residue of existing as functional. Photographic images sooth the desire for strange objects, gathering their own importance as discrete voices and bodies of work.
In my design-build practice I make one of a kind pieces made predominantly with wood that is reclaimed or rescued with an emphasis on integrating practical value with understated design values that don’t hold to passing trends. I also make small batch editions.
Through the Fine Arts Bivouac I have attempted to integrate astute contemporary art within specific contexts (on-site). Attention is given to finding un-suspecting attention and a critical consideration of place and the work’s potential in that location, within a context.
The discoveries and experimentation in my studio practice as an artist are intertwined with my role as an educator. The same vigor and willingness to engage critical contemporary contexts and applications is found in my curriculum and way of approaching individuals as learners and innovators.
CV (click to read my CV)
J. Damron